What is Dog Writing?
I’ve been writing since 2010! I mean, technically I’ve been writing for longer than that —but it seems like a safe bet that you don't care much about my term papers. If nothing else, they’re a lot less pornographic.
You can find 95% of everything I’ve written online at SoFurry, my home since I very first began.
Looking to take things with you on the go? I have also written two e-book anthologies, Matters Out of Place (2012) and Bodies in Motion (2016). Both of them are available under a pay-what-you-want system—check out the page for details.
My short story “Exit, Stage Left” is also available in the Furplanet anthology Taboo, along with a lot of other really great authors. So you should pick that up, too.
Alternatively, if you subscribe to my Patreon, this page will also contain a library of stories (including the anthologized ones), edited and updated with commentary and notes powered by the Fourth Wall story engine.
Specific pages with more information!