What is Dog Writing?

I’ve been writing since 2010! I mean, technically I’ve been writing for longer than that —but it seems like a safe bet that you don't care much about my term papers. If nothing else, they’re a lot less pornographic.

You can find 95% of everything I’ve written online at SoFurry, my home since I very first began.

Looking to take things with you on the go? I have also written two e-book anthologies, Matters Out of Place (2012) and Bodies in Motion (2016). Both of them are available under a pay-what-you-want system—check out the page for details.

My short story “Exit, Stage Left” is also available in the Furplanet anthology Taboo, along with a lot of other really great authors. So you should pick that up, too.

Alternatively, if you subscribe to my Patreon, this page will also contain a library of stories (including the anthologized ones), edited and updated with commentary and notes powered by the Fourth Wall story engine.

Specific pages with more information!

How to get in touch with me, social media links, and the like.
This is a list of the major settings I tend to write in, so you can get a quick overview of what goes on in them.
An essay, originally written on Telegram, about the difference between WWI and WWII in the way Americans interpret history.
Non-fiction Dog Writing, sometimes with sources. Very IMO.